Individual Sessions

Only want assistance with just a few, select things? We are happy to help with the following items as you see fit. If you need us for something but don’t see it listed, just contact us with what you are looking for!

  • Values Exercise Review

    We will base this session on your Values Exercise results. We will dive into and dissect the meanings and cover some potential surprises from your assessment. This is the foundation for your values based decision making in the future!

  • Application Prep

    We will work together to create a punch list and game plan to make sure we are aligned on the tasks that need to be completed to get your applications submitted. We’ll work together to make this process as smooth and effective as possible!

  • Common App Edits

    Once you have an application drafted, we will go through it carefully and provide feedback and comments to help refine your message and put your best foot forward. It’s not just about answering questions, it’s about telling a story and weaving a thread through it all!

  • Essay Feedback

    Essays need to be authentic and uniquely you. We’ll help with the obvious work like grammar and edits, but most importantly, we’ll help you craft essays that highlight and speak to your experiences and qualifications so you rise above the crowd.

  • Building the Shortlist

    You’ve now visited some campuses, you’ve talked to some people, and you have a good idea of which 5-7 (or more!) schools you are serious about applying to. We will discuss your tour experiences and solidify your selections.

  • Talk it Out

    Sometimes you just need someone else to talk to that’s not mom or dad, or your coach for the past 5 years, or your guidance councelor. We promise to be honest and unbiased as we help you make some big descisions! This is our favorite part of the job!

Sign Up for a Session

Email me to sign up, learn more, or discuss pricing.

  • Personal

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to you, your vision, and your goals. Each student is different and needs and wants different things out of their college experience.

  • Focused

    Everyone has specific areas they are looking for guidance with during the college process. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and tackle these critical areas for you.

  • On Your time

    High school is a busy time full of so much outside of the school hours already. Pick the sessions that you need, when you need them, based on your availability.